Process of Adding New Features

The following sections outline the process of adding new features to PolarDNS. These instructions aim to provide a guidance to follow and a recommended workflow. Some of the core concepts and technical details about the PolarDNS inner workings are mentioned here as well.

In a nutshell, the easiest way of adding a new feature to PolarDNS is to take an existing feature with a similar functionality and use it as a template for your new feature. Then, change the functionality according to your needs.

Here’s a step-by-step overview of the process:

  1. Edit the polardns/ file
  2. Create a copy of a similar feature, such as the always feature
  3. Implement the new feature:
    • 3.1. Change the initial matching rule
    • 3.2. Change the logic to build your DNS response
    • 3.3. Test the functionality locally using dig/nslookup and Wireshark
  4. Run all tests (strongly recommended)
  5. Optionally, move the feature into a separate module (.toml file)

Let’s briefly discuss the modularity in PolarDNS.