PolarDNS Catalogue

PolarDNS Catalogue

This is PolarDNS catalogue:

add modifier Append any number of bytes to the end of the DNS response packet Packet manipulation
adrr modifier Modify the number of Additional records (RRs) in the DNS response header Header manipulation
afuzz1 feature Inject arbitrary byte in the hostname in the A record Fuzzing
afuzz2 feature Send multiple A records with injected byte in the hostname Fuzzing
alias feature Random alias generator supporting multiple record types Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
always feature Most basic function which always resolves to an IP address General features
anrr modifier Modify the number of Answers (RRs) in the DNS response header Header manipulation
aurr modifier Modify the number of Authority records (RRs) in the DNS response header Header manipulation
badcompress1 feature Set custom compression pointer offset in the Name field Bad compression
badcompress2 feature Set custom compression pointer offset in the CNAME field Bad compression
badcompressfwptr1 feature Forward and double compression pointers in the Name field (variant 1) Bad compression
badcompressfwptr2 feature Forward and double compression pointers in the Name field (variant 2) Bad compression
badcompressloop1 feature Compression pointer loop in the Name field (variant 1) Bad compression
badcompressloop2 feature Compression pointer loop in the Name field (variant 2) Bad compression
badcompressloop3 feature Double compression pointer loop in the Name field Bad compression
badcompressloop4 feature Compression pointer loop in the CNAME field (variant 1) Bad compression
badcompressloop5 feature Compression pointer loop in the CNAME field (variant 2) Bad compression
badcompressmid1 feature Compression used in the middle of CNAME field Bad compression
bigbintxt feature TXT record with multiple binary strings Fuzzing
bigtxt feature TXT record with multiple text strings Fuzzing
chain feature Chain alias generator supporting multiple record types Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
close feature Close the connection Empty responses
cnalias feature CNAME random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
cnchain feature CNAME chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
cnk modifier Send response in chunks (TCP only) Packet manipulation
cnloop feature CNAME loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
cut modifier Cut any number of bytes from the end of the DNS response packet Packet manipulation
dnalias feature DNAME random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
dnchain feature DNAME chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
dnloop feature DNAME loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
empty1 feature Send an empty packet Empty responses
empty2 feature Send only NULL bytes Empty responses
empty3 feature Send only NULL bytes (suitable for TCP) Empty responses
empty4 feature Send only Transaction ID and NULL bytes Empty responses
empty5 feature Send only DNS header and NULL bytes Empty responses
empty6 feature ANSWER section missing Empty responses
empty7 feature ANSWER section replaced with NULL bytes Empty responses
fc modifier Force DNS compression Packet manipulation
flgs modifier Set custom flags in the DNS response header Header manipulation
htalias feature HTTPS random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
htchain feature HTTPS chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
htloop feature HTTPS loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
inja feature Record injection - Send unsolicited A records Cache poisoning
injaaaa feature Record injection - Send unsolicited AAAA records Cache poisoning
injcname feature Record injection - Send unsolicited CNAME records Cache poisoning
injdname feature Record injection - Send unsolicited DNAME records Cache poisoning
injmx feature Record injection - Send unsolicited MX records Cache poisoning
injns feature Record injection - Send unsolicited NS records Cache poisoning
injptr feature Record injection - Send unsolicited PTR records Cache poisoning
len modifier Set custom DNS packet length in TCP Packet manipulation
loop feature Alias loop generator supporting multiple record types Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
manybintxt feature Many TXT records with binary data Fuzzing
manytxt feature Many TXT records with random text Fuzzing
mxalias feature MX random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
mxchain feature MX chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
mxloop feature MX loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
nc modifier No DNS compression Packet manipulation
newid modifier Set random Transaction ID in the DNS response Header manipulation
nfz modifier Powerful name fuzzing generator Fuzzing
noq modifier Remove the Query section from the DNS response body Packet manipulation
nptenumalias feature NAPTR ENUM random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
nptenumloop feature NAPTR ENUM loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
nsalias feature NS random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
nschain feature NS chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
nsloop feature NS loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
ptralias feature PTR random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
ptrloop1 feature PTR loop alias generator (variant 1) Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
ptrloop2 feature PTR loop alias generator (variant 2) Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
queryback1 feature Query reflection back to sender Empty responses
queryback2 feature Query reflection back to sender (query stripped) Empty responses
queryback3 feature Query reflection back to sender to port 53 Empty responses
queryback4 feature Query reflection back to sender to port 53 (unique query) Empty responses
qurr modifier Modify the number of Questions (RRs) in the DNS response header Header manipulation
rl modifier Recalculate DNS packet length in TCP (used in combination with cut/add) Packet manipulation
self feature Reveal source address and port (aka. "What is my IP address") General features
size feature Send maximum number of A or AAAA records within size limit General features
slp modifier Sleep before sending (add delay to DNS response) Packet manipulation Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
spfalias1 feature SPF (TXT) random alias generator (variant 1) Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
spfalias2 feature SPF (TXT) random alias generator (variant 2) Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
spfchain feature SPF (TXT) chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
spfloop feature SPF (TXT) loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
sralias feature SRV random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
srchain feature SRV chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
srloop feature SRV loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
svalias feature SVCB random alias generator Aliases Amplification, Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
svchain feature SVCB chain alias generator Alias chains Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
svloop feature SVCB loop alias generator Alias loops Domain Lock-Up, Denial of Service
tc modifier Force TCP mode by setting Truncated (TC) flag Packet manipulation
timeout feature No response - Do nothing Empty responses
ttl modifier Set custom TTL value Packet manipulation